Saturday, January 4, 2014

Vaccines for Humans to Prevent Anthrax

The first United States anthrax vaccine discover in 1950. However, the current form of the vaccine that is use today formulated in 1960 and approved for usage in 1970.

Current United States Vaccine

The current vaccine is not available to the general public only to military personal. This must be given out in 6 shots over an 18 month period. Some side effect may include things linked to Gulf War syndrome such as depression, severe fatigue, and some skin rashes. Also does not protect some people from natural occurring strains of the disease.

Experimental Vaccines for Humans

There is a new experimental vaccine that is being developed by using fragments of DNA from the actual disease itself. They hope by injecting those strands of DNA into the person’s body that it will help them fight off the disease. At the time this is being tested on mice.

Didn’t Your Mother Ever Tell You to Eat Your Spinach!

Yes, we are talking about spinach. Recent studies have come out saying that spinach can be used as an edible vaccine against anthrax because they can produce the protective antigen of bacillus anthracis.  Wow! I think I will eat my spinach now!

Antibiotics of Anthrax

There are many antibiotics on the available to help treat anthrax. But the most well known and the best on the market is Ciprofloxacin (Cipro). The only time that this should be used in children under the age of 18 is if they were exposed to inhalation anthrax. You may also use penicillin or doxycycline, but these can be only on certain strains. You must use the antibiotics for 60 days to make sure that the anthrax spores have been killed.

Treatment of Anthrax

Table 1. Interim recommendations for postexposure prophylaxis for prevention of inhalational anthrax after intentional exposure to B. anthracic.
Ciprofloxacin dose should not exceed 1 g per day in children.

Animal Vaccines

The first vaccine that was developed for animals was developed in 1880 by Pasteur, Toussaint, and Greenfield. The vaccine that is used today for animals was invented in 1935 by a man named Sterne.

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